I can sometimes be found lurking on various stackexchange sites, such as Mathoverflow, math.stackexchange.com, academia.stackexchange.com, matheducators.stackexchange.com, etc. Of these, I am most active on ac.se; here are some of my questions and answers that I'm proud of:
- (Question) How should I deal with discouragement as a graduate student? (this is currently the highest-upvoted (and most favorite-d) question on the site, so if you are a graduate student feeling discouraged, you are not alone! The two top answers here are amazing.)
- (Question & answer) “I've somehow convinced everyone that I'm actually good at this” - how to effectively deal with Imposter Syndrome
- (Answer) Should I quit my PhD - workload, self-esteem and social life
- (Answer) Is it true that 'nice' professors fail to produce good students?
- (Answer) How do I know if I am truly prepared for graduate school in mathematics?
I like puns.