A table 4.1.recbi.p.txt.gz for p=1..5 of the twisted inhomogeneous recursion by a p-th root of unity omega for the colored Jones polynomial of the 4_1 knot, before the substitution q->omega*q in the twisted recursion.
A table 4.1.recbi.p.txt.gz for p=1..5 of the twisted homogeneous recursion by a p-th root of unity omega for the colored Jones polynomial of the 4_1 knot, before the substitution q->omega*q in the twisted recursion.
A table of the twisted homogeneous recursion for the colored Jones polynomial by the second root of unity omega of the inhomogeneous recursion of the colored Jones polynomial of the K_p=(-2,3,3+2p) pretzel knot for p=-5,...,5.