current students
- Lory Aintablian (2018-)
- Annika Tarnowsky (2021-)
- David Aretz (joint with Pete Teichner, 2023-)
- Janina Bernardy (2024-)
- Matteo Del Vecchio
- Michele Lorenzi
completed theses
University of Bonn
- Néstor Léon Delgado: Lagrangian field theories. Ind/pro-approach and L-infinity-algebra of local observables (2014-2018, → quantitative finance)
- Kai Käfer: The homotopy theory of multisymplectic structures (01/2025)
- Janina Bernardy: Homotopy reduction of multisymplectic structures and classical field theory (03/2024, → PhD student Univ. Bonn)
- Alessandro Nanto: The factorization algebra of a Lagrangian Field Theory (02/2024, → PhD student Univ. Greifswald)
- Luis Henriques: Homotopy momentum maps in Lagrangian Field Theories (05/2023)
- David Aretz: Cohomological extension of groupoid convolution (01/2023, → PhD student Univ. Bonn)
- Leonard Hofmann: The local splitting of higher Dirac structures and multisymplectic singularities (11/2022)
- Jakob Kraasch: Differentiation of L-infinity groupoids via ends (05/2022)
- Annika Tarnowsky: A derived approach to classical observables in Lagrangian Field Theory (09/2020, → PhD student Univ. Bonn)
- Stefano Ronchi: Hamiltonian Lie algebroids over Poisson manifolds (05/2020, → PhD student Univ. Göttingen)
- Giuseppe Gentile: The initial value problem of U(1)-gauge theory and presymplectic structures (11/2017, → PhD student Univ. Oldenburg)
- Lory Aintablian: Deformations of group and groupoid representations (11/2017, → PhD student Univ. Bonn)
- Theocharis Papantonis: Splitting theorems for Poisson and related structures (09/2017, → PhD student Univ. Göttingen)
- Felix Beck: Lie algebroid models for equivariant cohomology (09/2017)
- Elisa Atza: Deformations of Lie groupoids (07/2017)
- Néstor Léon Delgado: Multisymplectic structures and higher momentum maps (03/2014, → PhD student Univ. Bonn)
- Leon Schneider: Generalized Jacobi fields (04/2024)
- Jonah Epstein: The lagrangian field theory of generalized Jacobi fields (08/2020)
- David Aretz: The noncommutative geometry of symplectic singularities (07/2020, Prize for best graduating Bachelor students in mathematics 2019/20)
- Janina Bernardy: Noether’s theorems in terms of variational cohomology (09/2019, Prize for best graduating Bachelor students in mathematics 2018/19)
- Konrad Kuangda Zou: Deformation theory and operads (07/2019)
- Paul Hege: Präquantisierung als Integration von Lie-Algebroiden (10/2016)
- Xiaowen Dong: Linearisierung von Poisson-Strukturen (08/2016)
- Kaan Öcal: Symplectic singularities and convolution algebras (08/2016, Prize for best graduating Bachelor students in mathematics 2015/16)
- Jonas Mahnkopp: Mannigfaltigkeiten nichtnegativer Ricci-Krümmung (09/2015)
- Georg Gawenda: Mannigfaltigkeiten nichtnegativer Schnittkrümmung (09/2015)
- Max Körfer: Dirac manifolds and symplectic singularities (11/2014)
University of Regensburg
- Sandro Englhardt (Zulassungsarbeit, 11/2011)
- Stefan Forster (Zulassungsarbeit, 10/2010)
- Angela Carofiglio (Zulassungsarbeit, 06/2010)
PhD committees
- Raffaele Lomartire (University of Zurich)
- Kalin Krishna (Göttingen)
- Bjarne Kosmeijer (University of Amsterdam 05/2023)
- Luca Accornero (Utrecht 10/2021)
- Leyli Mammadova (KU Leuven 08/2020)
- Francesco Cattafi (Utrecht 02/2020)
- Ralph Klaasse (Utrecht 08/2017)
- Ori Yudilevich (Utrecht 09/2016)
- Joao Nuno Mestre (Utrecht 02/2016)
- Li Du (Göttingen 07/2014)
- Maria Amelia Salazar (Utrecht 05/2013)
- David Carchedi (Utrecht 09/2011)